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Steps to share the Error log, Console Log and HAR file


Troubleshooting: Sharing Error Log, Console Log, and HAR File

In the process of maintaining and managing a Bold BI environment, users may occasionally encounter issues that disrupt normal operations. To effectively troubleshoot these problems, it is crucial to collect and share specific diagnostic information with the Bold BI support. This information includes error logs, console logs, and HTTP Archive (HAR) files, which provide insights into the nature of the issue. This article serves as a guide on how to gather and submit these pieces of information to expedite the resolution process.

Checking Service Status

When utilizing Bold BI, ensuring that all services are running smoothly is crucial for maintaining an uninterrupted workflow. This article provides a straightforward process to check the status of Bold BI services and the steps to take if any service is not functioning properly.

Step 1: Access the Status Page

Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Bold BI server status page. This can be done by typing the following URL into your browser’s address bar: {Bold BI server}/status. Make sure to replace {Bold BI server} with the actual address of your Bold BI server. For instance, if you are using the on-premise demo, you would go to

Step 2: Review Service Status

Upon reaching the status page, you will be presented with an overview of all the Bold BI services and their current operational status. Carefully examine the page for any signs that a service may be experiencing issues, such as being marked as down or showing error messages.


Step 3: Take Action if Necessary

If you notice that a service is not operational, the first step is to attempt restarting the service. For guidance on stopping and starting Bold BI services across different environments, refer to the following resource: How to Stop and Start the Bold BI Application on Different Environments.

Step 4: Contact Support

Should the problem persist after a restart, it is recommended to capture a screenshot of the service status page. This screenshot will be valuable when you contact the support team, as it provides them with immediate insight into the issue you are facing.

Sharing Diagnostics Log

When working with Bold BI, understanding how to share diagnostic logs with the support team is crucial for troubleshooting issues effectively. Diagnostic logs in Bold BI consist of error logs and debug logs, which provide detailed insights into user interactions and system behavior. These logs are particularly useful when trying to understand the sequence of actions that led to an issue.


  • The option to download diagnostic logs is available in On-Premises Deployment but not in Syncfusion Managed Cloud Server.
  • Only UMS Admin users have the privilege to download the diagnostic logs.

Step 1: Enable Additional Custom Flags (Optional)

For issues related to performance or data retrieval, it is recommended to enable additional custom flags in the appsettings.json file:

  • EnableQueryMetricsWithQueryInDebugFiles
  • EnableQueryMetricsWithQueryInHAR

Enabling these flags will provide more detailed metrics, including query information and execution times, which can be invaluable for the support team. Instructions for enabling these flags can be found in the Bold BI knowledge base article: How to enable query and query execution time in debug info files and HAR file.

Step 2: Reproduce the Issue

Attempt to replicate the problem you are experiencing. This ensures that the logs capture relevant information about the issue.

Step 3: Download Bold BI Error Logs

Download the error logs by following the steps outlined in the Bold BI help documentation. These logs are essential for the support team to understand what went wrong. For detailed instructions on how to retrieve configuration files and logs for your specific version of Bold BI, please refer to the following resources:

Bold BI version
Bold BI version 6.17 or later
Bold BI version 6.1 or later
Bold BI version 4.1.36 or later
Bold BI version below 4.1.36


  • From Bold BI version 6.4 onwards, the option to download configuration files along with the logs is available. Please refer to the documentation How to get configuration files? for steps to download configuration files along with logs.

Step 4: Share the Logs with Support

Once you have the logs, share them with the Bold BI support team.

Sharing Console Log

The browser console is a developer tool that displays errors, warnings, and logs that are helpful in diagnosing issues with web applications. When encountering errors within Bold BI that are visible in the browser console, it is essential to share these logs with the support team for further investigation. Here are the steps to capture and share the console logs effectively:

Step 1: Reproduce the Issue

Begin by opening the dashboard where the issue is occurring. Attempt to reproduce the issue to ensure that the error is logged in the browser console.

Step 2: Access the Browser’s Developer Tools

Right-click anywhere on the page of the dashboard where the issue is present. From the context menu that appears, select Inspect to open the developer tools.

Step 3: Navigate to the Console Tab

Within the developer tools window, click on the Console tab to view any error messages or logs that have been recorded.

Step 4: Capture the Console Log

Take a screenshot of the console page, ensuring that all relevant error messages are visible. This screenshot will be used to share the details with the support team.

Step 5: Share the Screenshot

Send the captured screenshot of the console log to the Bold BI support team to analyze and assist with the issue.

Sharing HAR File

A HAR file is a JSON-formatted log of a web browser’s interaction with a site. It captures the browser’s requests to web servers and the servers’ responses. HAR files are useful for diagnosing network issues, analyzing page load performance, and identifying problematic requests or responses that may be contributing to a bug.

Follow the instructions provided in the Bold BI knowledge base article to generate a HAR file from your browser. The article provides a step-by-step guide for downloading a HAR file. You can find the guide here: How to Download a HAR File from Your Browser.

Important: Before sharing the HAR file, check its size. HAR files can become quite large, especially if the browser session is long or involves a lot of activity. If the HAR file is larger than 20 MB, compress the file into a ZIP format. This will reduce the file size and make it easier to share.

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Written by Poovarasan Kandasamy
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