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How to Stop and Start the Bold BI Application on Different Environment


This section explains how to stop and start the Bold BI application in different environments.

  1. Window
  2. Linux
  3. Docker
  4. Kubernetes
  5. Azure App service


  • Open the IIS Manager and use the site’s dropdown to find the Bold BI Embedded app.


  • In Manage Websites in the IIS Manager, you can stop or start the application.



  • Use the following command to stop the Bold BI application.
    sudo systemctl stop bold-*
  • Use the following command to start the Bold BI application.
    sudo systemctl start bold-*


  • Use the following command to stop the Bold BI application docker container.
    docker stop <container-name/container ID>
    Example: docker stop boldbi
  • Use the following command to start the Bold BI application docker container.
    docker start <container name/container ID>
    Example: docker start boldbi


  • Use the following command to set the replicas as zero.

    kubectl scale deploy bi-api-deployment,bi-dataservice-deployment,bi-jobs-deployment,bi-web-deployment,id-api-deployment,id-ums-deployment,id-web-deployment -n namespace --replicas=0

    Example : kubectl scale deploy bi-api-deployment,bi-dataservice-deployment,bi-jobs-deployment,bi-web-deployment,id-api-deployment,id-ums-deployment,id-web-deployment -n bold-services --replicas=0

  • Use the following command to set the replicas as one.

    kubectl scale deploy bi-api-deployment,bi-dataservice-deployment,bi-jobs-deployment,bi-web-deployment,id-api-deployment,id-ums-deployment,id-web-deployment -n namespace --replicas=1

    Example : kubectl scale deploy bi-api-deployment,bi-dataservice-deployment,bi-jobs-deployment,bi-web-deployment,id-api-deployment,id-ums-deployment,id-web-deployment -n bold-services --replicas=1

Azure App Service

  • Open the web app for the Bold BI application in the Azure portal.

  • You can stop the web app using the Stop option.


  • You can stop the web app using the Start option.


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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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