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Where Can I Manually Find the Logs for the Bold BI Application on Different Environments


You can get the log file manually from the following location for the Bold BI in different hosting environments. When contacting Bold BI support, please share the complete logs specified in the deployment location mentioned below as a zip file.

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Azure App Service

Windows and Linux Environments

Hosted Environment Log location
Windows {Deployed Location}\app_data\logs

Default location - C:\BoldServices
Linux /var/www/bold-services/application/app_data/logs

Docker Environment

You can retrieve the logs manually from the Docker persistent volume that the Bold BI application container uses, or you can follow the steps below to obtain the logs directly from the container.

  1. Copy the logs from the container to the local machine using the following command.
    docker cp <container name/container ID>:/application/app_data/logs /var/www/
    Example - docker cp boldbi:/application/app_data/logs /var/www/

    Note : If you are using windows environment, replace the path instead of /var/www/ with D:\ from the above command.

  2. You can find the logs from /var/www or D:\ that have been copied from the container.

Kubernetes Environment

  1. Copy the logs from pods to the local machine using the following command.

    Note: You can use any one of the pods that are used for the Bold BI application.

    kubectl cp my-namespace/my-pod:/application/app_data/logs /var/www/ 
    Example - kubectl cp bold-services/bi-dataservice-deployment-6c7cd768fc-bbh4w:/application/app_data/logs /var/www/

    Note : If you are using windows environment, replace the path instead of /var/www with D:\ from the above command.

  2. You can find the logs from /var/www or D:\ that have been copied from the pod.

Azure App Service Environment

  1. Open the kudu PowerShell console for the Bold BI Azure App service. You can access the Kudu service through the portal by navigating to the Web App dashboard > Advanced Tools > Click on Go.


  2. Select PowerShell console.


  3. Go to the logs location.

    {drive} \home\site\wwwroot\app_data
  4. Here, you can see the logs folder and select the download option to download the log folder to your local machine.


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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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