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Troubleshooting Data Refresh Issues in Bold BI


When working with data in Bold BI, you may encounter various issues related to data refresh. This article provides a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot these issues.

1. Oauth data source - Grant type Invalid – Authentication Failed Issue

This issue can occur due to infrequent token access or token expiration. To resolve this, navigate to your profile -> Connected Accounts, then follow the steps in the following link to reauthorize: Reauthorize the Connected Account

2. Refresh Not Started After Reauthorizing the Connection

Bold BI disables the refresh setting if there are five consecutive refresh failures for the data source. Once the issue is resolved, you can re-enable the refresh in the refresh setting.


3. Status Code 429 – TooManyRequests

This issue can occur due to exceeding the API rate limit or limitations on the number of parallel API requests. To resolve this, check the rate limits for the corresponding data source connected and reschedule the refresh of the data source by increasing the limits as directed by the provider.


4. Status Code 402 - Payment Required

This HTTP status code indicates that the request made by the client cannot be completed due to insufficient payment or lack of payment authorization. Check the daily or monthly quota of API requests with the access token.


5. Columns are Missing in the response

In the below error, “Date” column in the “Twitter sheet” source file has either been renamed or deleted. If any column present during data source creation and was deleted later, please add it back to the source file. If the column was renamed, please modify the column name accordingly.


6. Unable to Connect to any of the Specified Hosts

Verify that the server you are trying to connect to is running and accepting connections.


7. Status Code 401 - Unauthorized - Authentication Information is Not Set or is Not Valid

The service connector for the OAuth data source could be deleted. To resolve this, edit the data source and reconnect it with the new or existing connections.


8. Invalid Column Name

The column in the Extract mode custom query data source has either been renamed or deleted. If the column was deleted, please add it back to the database server. If the column was renamed, please modify the column name accordingly.


9. Invalid Object Name

The table name in the Extract mode custom query data source has either been renamed or deleted. If the table was deleted, please add it back to the database server. If the table was renamed, please modify the table name accordingly.


10. Cannot Open Database Requested by the Login

The database name in the data source has either been renamed or deleted. If the database was deleted, please add it back to the database server. If the database was renamed, please modify the table name accordingly.


11. GUID Columns Have Been Removed or Modified

Switch to Code view mode and identify the missing column compared to GUID. If the column was deleted, please add it back to the source file. If the column was renamed, please modify the column name accordingly.


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Written by Israel Jebaraj Chandirakumar
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