Category / Section
Migrate Bold BI Application from Kubernetes to Windows.
This section explains how to migrate the Bold BI application from a Kubernetes environment to a Windows environment. It is assumed that the Bold BI DB server has public access, either through a Managed instance or a server deployed in an online VM. To migrate the database, you can refer to this article: link. Follow the steps below to migrate the Bold BI instance from Kubernetes to Windows.
- Back up the app_data files from the Fileshare using the document below, according to your cloud provider’s specifications.
Cluster Provider Help Link EKS File storage AKS File storage GKE File storage - Deploy the Bold BI application in the Windows environment by following this document.
- Follow this documentation for adding SSL Bindings for Windows Deployment.
Note: You can use the same DNS or new DNS for Windows deployment.
- Restore the app_data on the Windows machine in the following location: {Deployed Location}/BoldServices/.
- Follow the steps below if you are using a new DNS/IP for the Windows environment. If you are using the same DNS, then you can switch to the next step directly.
- Navigate to [new DNS]/ums/administration in the browser: You can use the same Bold BI application login credentials for the new Windows environment.
- Update the new DNS/IP and enable the checkbox.
- After updating the new IP/DNS, save the changes.
- Navigate to [new DNS]/ums/administration in the browser:
- Stop the Kubernetes site and restart the BoldBIEnterpriseEdition site in IIS.
- Now, the Bold BI application has been completely migrated from Kubernetes to the Windows environment. You can access Bold BI with the same login credentials.