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Migrate Bold BI Application from Window to Azure Kubernetes Service


This section explains migrating the Bold BI application from a Windows environment to an AKS environment. Assume that the Bold BI metadata DB server has public access(Managed instance or server deployed in online VM).

  1. Backup the app_data from the following location.
    App_data - {Deployed Location}/BoldServices/


  2. Create a file share in a storage account on the Azure resource group by using this link.

  3. Restore the app_data data as shown in the screenshot to the root folder path of the file share using the Azure Storage Explorer tool.


  4. Deploy the Bold BI application in the AKS environment by following this document.

    Note: Use the same file share while crafting the yaml file.

  5. Follow these steps if you use a new DNS/IP for the AKS environment.

    • Navigate to [new DNS]/ums/administration in the browser.

      Note: You can use the same Bold BI application login credentials for the new AKS environment.

    • Update the new DNS/IP and enable the checkbox.


    • After updating the new IP/DNS, save the changes.

    • Restart all pods using the following commands.

      kubectl rollout restart deploy -n <namespace>

      Example: kubectl rollout restart deploy -n bold-services

  6. Now, the Bold BI application has completely migrated from Windows to the AKS environment.

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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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