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Migrate Bold BI application from Azure App service to Azure Kubernetes Service

  1. To migrate Bold BI from Azure App Service into Kubernetes, we need to convert the Azure container folder structure into the K8s file share folder structure. We need to move the storage account BI container into the file share. Follow the upcoming steps to convert the folder structure as needed.


  2. Open the storage account created for the Bold BI ARM template and move on to the containers.


  3. Now, download all folders inside the boldbicontainer in local machine folder [example: azurecontainer] using Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer tool.


  4. From the local machine, a new folder needs to be created for Kubernetes migration [example: k8s].

  5. From the folder, you need to copy all the folders from the Azurecontainer/boldservices/app_data/ and move them to the k8s/.


  6. Copy all folders from the Azurecontainer/dashboard server/ and move them to k8s/bi/.


  7. Now, upload all files and folders inside the K8s folder to the FileShare in the Azure storage account using the Azure Storage Explorer tool.


  8. We need to deploy Bold Bi in Kubernetes services using the same Azure Fileshare, following this document.

    Note: Use same azure fileshare name in pvclaim_aks.yaml for deployment.


  9. After deployment, you can see all the resources created in Azure in K8s.

    Note: If the same DNS or IP address is used for the Azure template and the Azure Kubernetes service, there is no need to change the DNS or IP on the UMS administration page.

  10. If a different DNS or IP address is used for the Azure template and the Kubernetes service, you need to change the domain/IP in the UMS Administrator. Please follow the below steps to map the K8s DNS for the application URL.

  • Navigate to the UMS administration page {DNS}/ums/administration.


  • From the above image, you need to enter the DNS or IP address that is used for the Kubernetes service.

  • Save the changes, and now the application map to Kubernetes services DNS.

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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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