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How to create TreeView widget in your dashboard


Creating a custom TreeView widget involves designing and implementing a custom model and view. A TreeView widget displays hierarchical data in a structured format. Create a TreeView with a highly customizable look and feel.

Follow these steps to publish and create the TreeView custom widget.

  1. Download the TreeView custom widget from the attachment which is given in as follows.

  2. After downloading the custom widget, follow this document to publish the custom widget in the Bold BI Server.

  3. After adding the custom widget to the Bold BI Server, navigate to the Bold BI Designer, drag and drop the TreeView custom widget to the designer canvas, as shown in the following image.


  4. Assign data to this widget, as shown in the following image.


  5. The widget will have some basic properties to customize per your requirements.


  6. The widget will be displayed as in the following image.


  7. To further improve this custom widget, navigate to the custom widget location mentioned below and add the debugger to the sourcefile.js, init() method. When you drag and drop the custom widget into the designer canvas, the debugger will hit it and modify it as needed.

C:\BoldServices\app_data\bi\{{Tenant ID}}\CustomWidgets\d4c6c82b-8800-4a9b-94b0-a3b8c5009a63\src\sourcefile.js

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Written by Sivabalan Ganesan
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