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How to publish and create the Google Map custom widget
Follow these steps to publish and create the Google Map custom widget in the Bold BI:
Step 2: Next, generate a Google Maps API key by following the instructions provided in the help link.
Step 3: After generating the Google Maps API key, download the
custom widget and unpack the custom widget by following the link
Step 4: Open the widgetconfig.json file. Replace the key in the
highlighted text, then save the file.
Step 5: Once added the key in widgetconfig.json file, pack the custom widget
by following the link.
Step 7: After publishing the widget, you can get the Google Maps custom widget under the Miscellaneous section of the designer panel, as shown in the following image.
Step 8: You can drag and drop the widget and bound data, as shown in
the following image. The widget gets rendered as follows.
In Preview, the drill-down can be done, as shown in the following image.