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Customize Font Family in Bold BI Dashboards with Custom Theme Variables

When designing dashboards in Bold BI, you may want to customize the appearance to match your company’s branding or to improve readability. One way to achieve this is by applying a custom font family to your dashboards. Bold BI supports the customization of font families through the use of theme variables, allowing for a consistent look across all widgets within your dashboards. This article will guide you step by step on customizing the font family using theme variables.
Steps to Customize Font Family
  1. Download the Theme Package

    • At first, download the most recent release package for the custom theme and extract it. Inside the extracted files, you will discover distinct theme files for each widget, and dashboard element.
  2. Modify Theme Variables

    • Open the theme file you wish to customize.
    • Locate the --designer-font-family and --designer-fontsrc variables in the file boldbi.designer.definition.css.
  3. Assign Font Family

    • Set the --designer-font-family variable to your desired font. For example:
      --designer-font-family: 'Poppins-Regular';
  4. Format Font Source

    • Convert your font file to a base64 string using an online tool.
    • Assign the base64 string to the --designer-fontsrc variable in the following format:
      --designer-fontsrc: url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,CONVERTED_BASE64_STRING) format('truetype');
    • Ensure to replace CONVERTED_BASE64_STRING with the actual base64 string of your font file.
  5. Apply Changes

    • Save the theme file with the updated variables.
    • Follow the knowledge base articles to generate the custom dashboard theme minified file and upload it to the server.
    • Additionally, we have included the CSS file for the Poppins regular font family for your reference to help you better understand.
NOTE: Bold BI utilizes the WOFF2 format for font files in the User Management Server (UMS) page look and feel settings. If you are using the same format, ensure to convert the woff2 file into a base64 string before assigning it to the --designer-fontsrc variable. For more information on how to apply the custom font family through settings, refer the help documentation.

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Written by Premkumar Nedumaran
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