How to generate custom dashboard theme and upload it to server
The theme feature in BoldBI allows users to customize the overall visual design and layout of the dashboard, including the placement and styling of different elements such as widgets, charts, and tables. By choosing a theme that suits your preferences and needs, you can improve the visual appeal and usability of your dashboard. Additionally, being able to switch between themes quickly and efficiently can make it easier to adapt to different contexts or your preferences. Following the steps to customize the dashboard you want
Step 1: Download the latest release package for the theme.
- To customize the appearance of the BoldBI application, you need to download the latest release package for the theme.
- You can find the theme package on the BoldBI release package for the theme.
Step 2: Customize the dashboard using provided variables.
- After downloading the theme package, you can
use the provided variables to customize the dashboard. For example, you can
modify the color of specific elements such as below
You can customize the font family of your dashboard using theme variables mentioned in the help document.
To customize the font styles, you'll need to modify the font-family property using the appropriate theme variable.
Customize the banner in the dashboard
You can customize the banner of your dashboard by modifying banner icons color, background color, and text color.
To do this, you'll need to modify the appropriate theme variables for banner icons color, background color, and text color.
Customize data color palette for widgets
You can customize the data color palette for widgets by modifying the appropriate theme variables.
You can customize specific widgets in your dashboard by modifying control title, subtitle, legend text, data label, border color, and radius.
To do this, you'll need to modify the appropriate theme variables for each element.
Theming variables equivalent to the JSON theme property
If you're migrating to the Theme feature from the JSON theme property, you can find a list of theming variables equivalent to the JSON theme property in the help document.
This will help you to easily modify your dashboard using the Theme feature.
Step 3: Generate a custom dashboard theme with modified themes.
- Once you have customized the dashboard, you need to generate a custom dashboard theme with the modified themes. You can do this by referring to the help document link provided for generating a custom dashboard theme.
Step 4: Upload custom theme in UMS settings page.
- To upload the custom dashboard theme, you need to go to the UMS (User Management System) settings page. After generating the custom dashboard theme, you need to upload it into your application. You can refer to the help document link provided for uploading the generated custom dashboard theme into your application.