Enhancing TreeMap Widget Customization with Custom Theme Variables
Bold BI offers support for customizing the appearance of the TreeMap widget by using custom theme variables. These variables allow you to customize various aspects of the TreeMap widget’s appearance. Once you have customized the theme variables, you can refer to the provided knowledge base (KB) articles to learn how to generate the custom dashboard theme minified file with the customized TreeMap changes and upload it to the server.
KB Articles: How to generate custom dashboard theme and upload it to server
At first, download the most recent release package for the theme from the aforementioned knowledge base in Step 1 and extract it. Inside the extracted files, you will discover distinct theme files for each widget. By utilizing these files, you can personalize any widget and attain the outcome that you like across the dashboards. This article offers comprehensive guidance on modifying the TreeMap widget through the utilization of TreeMap widget theme variables.
Tree Widget Customization Using Theme Variables
You have the ability to customize the appearance of the TreeMap widget by utilizing the theme variables, which allow for adjustments to be made to the widget container’s border radius, background and border color, as well as the colors and font styles of the Widget Header, Sub Title, Data Label, Legend and Legend Title.
TreeMap Widget Title
The following variables allows you to customize the text color and font styles of the Tree widget’s header.
TreeMap Widget Sub Title
The following variables allows you to customize the text color and font styles of the Tree widget’s SubTitle.
TreeMap Widget Data Label
The following variables allows you to customize the text color and font styles of the Tree widget’s Data Label.
TreeMap Widget Legend
The following variables allows you to customize the font styles of the Tree widget’s Legend.
TreeMap Widget Container
The following variables allows you to customize the border color and border color of the Tree widget.
NOTE: It is crucial to emphasize that if you intend to customize the appearance of a specific widget using specific theme variables, refrain from customizing the TreeMap widget in the properties.