How to generate Access Token from User Management Server using Bold BI REST API?
Bold BI REST API endpoints are protected by OAuth 2.0. To access REST API services protected by OAuth 2.0, you need to obtain an access token. This access token acts as a key that grants permission to access the protected resources.
Get Client Credentials
- Navigate the following page in the UMS -> Settings -> API Keys.
Administration page in User Management Server with API Keys section
Note: You can use the following URL - https://{your_domain}/ums/administration/api-keys to access the page directly.
- You can obtain the Client ID and the Secret from this page.
API Keys page in User Management Server with Client Id and Client Secret
Generate Access Token
- You can get the access token using the following API endpoint.
{base url}/api/tokenMETHOD POST URL /api/token Access Token API endpoint in Postman
Include the following parameters in the body of the request:
grant_type: client_credentials
client_id: your client ID
client_secret: your client secret
You will also need to include the appropriate headers for the API, such as
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Content-Type header included with the POST request
Parameters included with the POST request for an access token
- You can now get an access token using the API, and a status of 200 denotes a successful retrieval of the access token.
Access token generated in the response
- For any subsequent API requests, please include the access token in the Authorization header. This access token is valid for 60 minutes from the time it is generated.
Post request to add a new user to the user management server passing authorization header
- How to Add a new User to the user management server using Bold BI REST API
How to Grant Site Access to the User in the user management server using the Bold BI REST API
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