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Bold BI Installation and Deployment on RHEL 9 on AWS EC2 Instance


This section explains Bold BI application installation and deployment on RHEL 9 EC2 instance on AWS.

Deployment prerequisites

  1. Install Nginx.

  2. Install the GDIPlus package using the following command.

    sudo dnf install
    sudo yum install epel-release
    sudo yum install libgdiplus
  3. Include definitions for developing with icu.

    sudo yum install libicu-devel
  4. Add an openssl conf path in the environment if it does not exist.

    export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/
  5. Change the SELinux mode from targeted to permissive.

    sudo setenforce 0

Configuring the Bold BI application

  1. Register and download the Bold BI Linux package from here.

  2. Download the Bold BI Linux package by running the following command.

    sudo wget {Bold BI Linux package link}
  3. Extract the zip file.

    sudo unzip {Bold BI Linux package zip file
  4. Change the working directory to BoldBIEnterpriseEdition-Linux by running the following command.

    cd BoldBIEnterpriseEdition-Linux
  5. Execute the following command to deploy Bold BI in your Linux machine.

    sudo bash -i {new} -u {user} -h {host URL} -n {true or false} 
  • i: Installation type: Specifies whether it is a new or upgrade installation.

  • u: Specifies the user or group that manages the service. Please ensure that this user exists in your Linux server.

  • h: Domain or IP address of the machine with HTTP protocol.

  • n: Setting this to true will automatically configure the Bold BI with the Nginx front-end server.

    Example for new installation

     sudo bash -i new -u www-data -h -n true
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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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