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How to add a 3D Comparison Chart Custom Widget to a dashboard?
Follow these steps to publish the 3D comparison chart custom widget into the Bold BI application and make use of it.
Step 1: Download the 3DComparisonChart custom
Step 2: Publish the custom widget to the Bold BI
application with a help link.
Step 3: Once you publish the custom widget, the 3DComparisonChart custom
widget will appear under the Miscellaneous section of the designer panel, as in
the following image.
Step 4: Drag and drop the widget and configure the
data. The 3DComparisonChart custom widget will render as in the following
Making Improvements in the 3D Comparison Chart Custom Widget
Add new improvements to the UI of the 3D Comparison Chart
Custom widget by making changes the sourcefile.js file.
To debug and make changes to the custom widget, follow these
- Unpack the 3D Comparison Chart custom widget (3DComparisonChart.bicw) by following the steps in the mentioned link.
- Add the debugger to the sourcefile.js file's init() method. Also, add the needed changes in the sourcefile.js file.
- Publish the custom widget by following the steps in this link.
- Now, open the new dashboard in the Bold BI designer.
- Open the Developer Tools in the Browser.
- Drag and drop the 3DComparisonChart Custom Widget in the Designer.
- Now, the debugger will trigger.
Note: The 3D Comparison Chart Custom Widget is developed using the Syncfusion EJ1 Chart component. For any new options, check its available APIs.