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How to Deploy Bold BI Application in a Mac Machine


Bold BI can be deployed on a Mac machine using the Docker Desktop. You can follow the below steps to deploy Bold BI.

Install Docker Desktop

Follow this documentation for installing Docker Desktop on a Mac machine.

Give full access permission for Docker Desktop

  1. Open the System Preferences on your Mac.
  2. Click on Security & Privacy=> Privacy tab=>Full Disk Access.
  3. Click on the lock icon in the bottom left corner of the window and enter your administrator password to unlock the settings.
  4. Click the + icon at the bottom of the window and select Docker Desktop from the Applications folder.
  5. Click on Open to add Docker Desktop to the list of applications with full disk access.
  6. Once Docker Desktop is added to the list, you can close the System Preferences window.
  7. Restart Docker Desktop to ensure the changes take effect.

Deploy Bold BI on Docker Desktop

  1. Follow this document to deploy the Bold BI application on a Mac machine using the Docker Compose file.
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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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