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How to design a dashboard with the first or last date of the week instead of a week number

Week of the year: As per the default settings of any database server, the week will begin on Sunday and end on Saturday. The weeks of the year are numbered from week 1 to week 53.

Follow these steps to get the first or last date of a particular week. 

Step 1: Configure the field into the assign data section as follows:
  • Column(s) - To bind the date field with the Date format Date(Date_Field).
  • Filters - To bind the same date field with the WeekOfYear format WeekOfYear(Date_Field).
Step 2: Then, apply the top N filter to the field (WeekOfYear(Date_Field)) in the Filters section based on the same date field.
Step 3: Save the dashboard and view it. It will visualize the date as the first or last date of the week instead of the week number. 

Find the configuration details as follows.

Pivot Grid



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Written by Rajendran Murugan
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