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How to configure connected app in Salesforce?


This article explains the steps involved in creating an application in Salesforce and what scopes are required to be selected for using in the BOLD BI application for creating the dashboards.

Configuring Salesforce OAuth App

Please follow the steps given in the following Salesforce documentation to create an OAuth app.

We have explained an example domain in the following steps.

Configure Basic Connected App Settings

The following section requires information about your organization, fill this form with the required information.Filling basic information for connected application

Enable the OAuth settings for API Integration

  1. Check the “Enable OAuth Settings” check box as shown in the following screenshot.

    Enabling the OAuth settings

  2. Fill the callback URL field with a valid callback URL.

    URL syntax:


    For example, callback URL should be

    Filling the call back Url
  3. Select the scopes as given in the following screenshot. Selecting the required scopes
  4. Select the Require Secret for Web Server workflow checkbox as shown in the following screenshot.

    Selecting the required web server flow

  5. All the other settings can be left as it is and save the app.
  6. Click on the created app to get the client id and secret, copy the values and configure them in Bold BI.

    Copying the client id and secret

  7. In Bold BI, configure the client id and secret of the newly created application by following the steps given on the documentation page:

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Written by Renuka N
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