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How to sort a column by ignore sort in other columns


Bold BI users can customize the sorting behavior of dimension fields in each widget. They can order them based on alphabetical order, the data source (default), and the field. Additionally, users can sort specific columns while ignoring sorting in other columns, as explained in this article.

Use Case

In this instance, the user would like to apply sorting to a specific column while ignoring sorting on other columns. This can be achieved by applying Alphabetic sorting on the `players` column and Data source order sorting on other columns to ignore sorting.

Sorting specific columns in the widget

By default, the sort is applied based on the first column in the grid. To apply sorting, the user must select a specific column. Only the selected column will be sorted on the widget.

Follow these steps to sort specific columns:

  1. Click the Settings icon on the Columns, Rows, or Series section.
    Navigating to sorting
    Navigating to sorting
  2. On the context menu of the setting icon, select Sort.
    Navigating to advanced sorting option
    Navigating to advanced sorting option
  3. Select the Alphabetic order in the advanced sorting options to sort the specific column.
    Configuring Alphabetic Order
    Configuring Alphabetic Order
  4. Click Apply to update the sorting on the widget.
    Applying Alphabetic Order
    Applying Alphabetic Order
  5. The specific column sorting will be updated, as shown in the following image.
    Specific sorted column
    Specific sorted column

Ignoring sort in other columns in the widget

You can ignore sorting on the other columns by applying the Data source order in the Advance Sorting Options.

Follow these steps to achieve this:

  1. Select the Data source order in the advanced sorting options to ignore any sort to the specific column.
    Configuring data source order sorting
    Configuring data source order sorting
  2. Click Apply to update the Data source order in the other columns.
    Applying data source order sorting
    Applying data source order sorting
  3. Here the Alphabetic order is updated on the Player Name, while sorting is ignored on the Team Name and Goals, as shown in the following image.
    Sorted column
    Sorted column

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Written by Enos Otieno Juma
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