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How to connect SQL Server with different port number in a dashboard?


By default, the SQL server uses 1433 as a port number. In this case, you can connect your SQL server as a data source in Bold BI by providing the server’s name, username, password, and database details as in the following image.

Bold BI Server:Connect your SQL server

NOTE: SQL Server can also be connected to Bold BI  in the designer as explained in this link: How to create Data sources in Bold BI

  • But if your SQL server uses a different port number, then you cannot connect your SQL server using the previously mentioned details, it will throw “A network-related instance error”. In case of a different port number, you must specify your port number along with the server’s name.

How to specify port number along with the server’s name

  • In the server’s name text box, enter your port number along with the server’s name by using the comma separator symbol.

    Example: Server name, port number

    Server name, port number

  • By using the port number along with your server’s name, you can connect your SQL server successfully in the Bold BI and design your dashboards using the established connection.Using the port number along with your server’s name

Note: To identify your port number, follow these steps:

  1. Go to SQL Server Configuration Manager -> Network Configuration.
  2. Right click TCP/IP and select Properties.
  3. In the IP Address tab, you can see the port number.To identify your port number, follow these steps

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Written by Renuka N
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