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Utilizing Cross Tab in Bold BI



Cross Tab is a powerful feature in Bold BI that allows users to summarize and analyze data in a tabular format. This feature is particularly useful for comparing different data points and identifying trends or patterns within datasets. This functionality is provided through the Pivot Grid in Bold BI.

Key Features

  • Data Summarization: Cross Tabs enable users to aggregate data across multiple dimensions, providing a clear overview of key metrics.
  • Dynamic Interaction: Users can interact with the data by filtering, sorting, and drilling down into specific data points for deeper analysis.
  • Customizable Layout: The layout of the Cross Tab can be customized to meet specific reporting needs, allowing users to arrange rows and columns as desired.

Example Scenario

Consider a dataset that includes various modes of transport, locations, and distances to work. A Cross Tab can be created to summarize the average distance traveled by each mode of transport in different cities. This allows for quick insights into which transport methods are most efficient or commonly used.

Sample Data:

Mode of Transport Site Distance to Work
Car Detroit 20
Walk Detroit 3
Car Cleveland 17
Public Transport Detroit 25
Bicycle Detroit 12
Car Cleveland 33
Car Cleveland 3
Car Detroit 19
Bicycle Detroit 5
Walk Detroit 2
Public Transport Cleveland 15
Public Transport Cleveland 13
Car Detroit 24
Car Cleveland 36
Bicycle Detroit 7
Car Cleveland 27
Car Cleveland 21
Bicycle Detroit 16
Public Transport Cleveland 5
Walk Cleveland 1
Car Detroit 7
Car Detroit 9
Walk Detroit 1
Car Cleveland 44
Public Transport Detroit 31
Car Cleveland 37
Bicycle Cleveland 5
Bicycle Cleveland 4
Car Detroit 4
Walk Cleveland 2

Desired Output:

To create a Cross Tab in Bold BI for the example provided:

  • Rows and Columns: Drag and drop the fields you want to analyze into the Rows or Columns sections.
  • Values: Choose the values to display in the Cross Tab. Options include counts, sums, averages, etc., depending on your analysis needs.

For example:
To analyze the mode of transport against the site and Distance to Work:

  • Assign Mode of Transport to the Rows.
  • Include Distance to Work and Site in the Values.


To analyze the count of Site against against each individual Mode of Transport:

  • Assign Site to the Values.
  • Assign Site to the Rows.
  • Assign Mode of Transport to the Columns.



The Cross Tab feature in Bold BI is an essential tool for data analysis, providing users with the ability to visualize and interpret data effectively.

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Written by Gayathri Ravichandran
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