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How to control link navigating behavior in Bold BI version above 5.2.48?


This page describes how to open the links in the current tab rather than in a new tab from the Bold BI Embed version above 5.2.48.

NOTE: We have been providing support to UMS since version 6.18.

Steps to open the links in the current tab

  1. Open the UMS Settings page using the link {domain}/ums/administration.
    Manage Sites Option

  2. Select Configuration from settings and choose config.json from the dropdown.

    Note: Starting from version 6.19.14, utilize the config.json and config.xml files for versions that came before this.


  3. Set the EnableSameTabLinkTarget to true in the editor and then save the changes.

  4. After completing the above steps, To learn how to restart the Bold BI application. Once restarted, access the Bold BI application, and the link will now open in the current tab.

    For Example:

    • When EnableSameTabLinkTarget: false is set in config.json, opening the dashboard from the dashboard listing page to view the dashboard data will result in it opening in a new tab.

    • When EnableSameTabLinkTarget: true is set in config.json, opening the dashboard from the dashboard listing page to view the dashboard data will now open in the current tab.

    NOTE: This feature is useful for controlling link navigation when the entire Bold BI Embed application is embedded in the IFrame. For more details about Application Embedding.

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Written by Nisanth Gunasekaran
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