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How to change the binding in the Bold BI Embedded version 4.1.36?


This document explains how to change the application binding in IIS for Bold BI version 4.1.36.

Check this to change the IIS binding for the Bold BI version below 4.1.36. Check this to change the IIS binding for the Bold BI version above 4.1.36.

How to change the binding in the Bold BI Enterprise

Follow these steps to change the application’s binding information:

  1. Add a new binding to Bold BI Enterprise Edition on IIS, as shown in the following image. Example:

  2. Update the new binding values in the configuration files listed below at the deployed location.
    Update the Idp, Bi, BiDesigner, and Reports values in the specified config file location. {Deployed Location}\app_data\configuration\config.xml


    NOTE: By default, Bold BI will be deployed on “C:\BoldServices”.

  3. Update the new binding values in the product.json file at the specified location.
    {Deployed Location}\app_data\configuration\product.json

  4. Restart the site in IIS and then browse the site with the new binding URL.

  5. Now, navigate to the site settings page of the UMS application using the new binding below and update the information as shown in the following image.


  6. Now, navigate to the site settings of your Bold BI application using the new binding below, and update the new binding information as shown in the following image.


  7. Now, Bold BI site can be browsed using the new binding.

IMPORTANT: Do not remove the existing bindings.


  • If you have DNS, you can add a binding for the DNS instead of the IP mentioned here.
  • The IIS Express Development Certificate cannot be used to configure SSL with the IP address or domain. If it is configured with an IP address or domain, the Bold BI application will not function properly.
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Written by Nisanth Gunasekaran
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