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How to connect Apple app store Connect API in Bold BI


Integrating Apple App Store Connect API with Bold BI requires a JWT token and generic Web API connector. Below are the steps to establish this connection.

Generating a JWT Token

To generate a JWT token for Apple App Store Connect API, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Apple Developer Portal and navigate to Users and Access to obtain the following details:
    • Issuer ID
    • Key ID
    • Private Key


For assistance in retrieving these details, refer to the Apple Developer Documentation.

  1. Visit the JWT token generation portal at

  2. Change the algorithm to “ES256” and prepare the header and payload as follows:


      "alg": "ES256",
      "kid": "<Your Key ID>",
      "typ": "JWT"


      "iss": "<Your Issuer ID>",
      "iat": 1712058359,   // Current date time in UNIX format
      "exp": 1712059399,   // Token expiry time in UNIX format
      "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1",
      "scope": [
        "GET /v1/apps"
  3. In the signature box, paste the Private Key that was downloaded when creating the Key ID.

  4. Copy the encoded token to use as the access token.


Connecting Apple App Store API in Bold BI

To connect the Apple App Store API in Bold BI, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Bold BI instance.
  2. Navigate to the Data Source tab and select the Web API connector.
  3. Provide the Apple connect URL you wish to connect to.
  4. Add the required header:
    • Authorization: Bearer <Your JWT Token>
  5. Configure pagination for the Apple App Store Connect API, which uses “Next URL” type pagination:
    • Max iteration: Calculate the maximum iteration as Total records/200.
    • Next URL path:


  1. Click connect to see the data preview, and then click connect again to finalize the connection.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate Apple App Store Connect API with Bold BI, allowing you to analyze and visualize your app data within the Bold BI platform.


  • The generated token is valid for only 20 minutes.
  • Longer-lived token is available only for specific resources. Add the resources in the Scope and generate JWT token. You will get an expiry time for long-lived token for up to 6 months. For more information, visit the Apple Developer Documentation on generating tokens.

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Written by Siranjeevi Murugan
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