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How to Adjust Column Width in Grid Charts


When working with grid widget, you may encounter an issue where the column width resets after publishing the report. This is often due to using the column resize option, which does not maintain the width of the column at the UI level.


To specify the width for a particular column, use the Column Settings property of the Grid widget. Enter numeric values in the textbox to set the width. To reset the width to default, simply clear the entered value from the textbox.


The width of the column will be shared in terms of percentage if the values are within the size of the container. Otherwise, it will be shared in terms of Pixels.

For example, if the width of the Grid container is 1000 px with three columns, and you set pixel values like 350, 350, 400 (sum of the width of three columns <= 1000) for the three columns, the size will be shared in terms of percentage.


Minimum and Maximum Values

The minimum and maximum values that can be entered for the column width depend on the total width of the Grid container and the number of columns. The sum of the width of all columns should not exceed the total width of the Grid container.

Additional Resources

For more information about the available features of the Grid widget, please refer to the following documentation: Grid Widget Documentation

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Written by Reethika Moovendhan
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