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How to handle null values in aggregated expressions


When creating expressions, it is common to encounter issues due to null values in the columns. To overcome this issue, you can handle a condition while creating SUM expressions for the columns containing null values.


To handle null values in expressions, use the following syntax:

IF(SUM([Column name]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Column name]))


Consider the following sample expression:

IF(SUM([Balance]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Balance])) + IF(SUM([Credited]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Credited])) + IF(SUM([Income]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Income]))

This expression applicable for all data sources except Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).

This expression checks if the sum of each column is null. If it is, the expression returns 0; otherwise, it returns the sum of the column.



The output of the expression will be the sum of the non-null values in the specified columns.

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Written by Israel Jebaraj Chandirakumar
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