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How to Troubleshoot the Bold BI Application Deployment in Linux Environment


This section explains the possible deployment issues that might occur in the Bold BI Linux deployment and provides solutions to overcome them.

  • Permission for specific user
  • Get a Journal log if the service is inactive/exited state for Bold BI
  • UMS sites deployment pending
  • Deployment failed due to incorrect protocol
  • Centos/RedHat Bold BI installed but the site is not accessible in the browser

Permission for specific user

Confirm whether the specific user has full root privileges in the Linux environment before deploying the Bold BI application. If not, follow the steps below to grant full privileges to the user. The usermod command can be used to change the user’s group membership, which will give them root privileges. To do this, run the following command:

usermod -aG root username


usermod -aG root boldbi

Get Journal log if the service is inactive/exited state for Bold BI

  1. Using the command below, check if the service is in an active state in a Linux environment.
    sudo systemctl status bold-*
  2. If the status is ‘exited’ or ‘inactive’, please check the journalctl logs for the service. Use the following command to retrieve the journalctl for a service.
    journalctl -u bold-bi-api.service --since "10 min ago"

List of services in Bold BI application

  • bold-bi-api.service
  • bold-bi-jobs.service
  • bold-id-api.service
  • bold-ums-web.service
  • bold-bi-designer.service
  • bold-bi-web.service
  • bold-id-web.service

UMS sites deployment pending


Check whether the user has read/write/execute permission for the /var/www/bold-services/application/app_data/bi directory.

  1. Navigate to the location and list the permissions for all folders.

    cd /var/www/bold-services/application/app_data
    ls -l


  2. Now grant permission to the bi folder using the command below.

     sudo chmod -R 777 bi
  3. Follow the document and create the site in ums/sites.

Deployment failed due to incorrect protocol

  1. Make sure to deploy the application with the correct protocol (http/https).
  2. If the application has been deployed with the HTTPS protocol, you need to follow this document to apply the SSL certificate.
  3. In case the application has been deployed with the HTTPS protocol but doesn’t have SSL, you will need to change the protocol in the product.json file from HTTPS to HTTP. The file can be found at the following location: /var/www/bold-services/application/app_data/configuration/product.json.
  4. Restart the service using the below command.
    sudo systemctl restart bold-*

Centos/RedHat Bold BI installed but the site is not accessible in the browser

This could be because SELinux enforcement is enabled on the system.

sudo setenforce 0

When you run sudo setenforce 0, it changes the SELinux mode from enforcing to permissive.

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Written by Sivanesan Saravanan
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