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How to Display Thousands of Rows in the Dashboard Grid Widget


How to Display Thousands of Rows in Dashboard Grid Widget

By default, the grid widget is set to load only the first 100 records for improved performance during the initial load of the dashboard. However, if you need to display thousands of rows within the grid, you can adjust the page size properties of the grid widget.

Adjusting Page Size Properties

Follow these steps to adjust the page size properties of the grid widget:

  1. Open the dashboard containing the grid widget.
  2. Select the grid widget and navigate to its properties.
    rte_image_106 (1).png
  3. Increase the value of the page size property to the desired number of records to be displayed. For example, setting the page size to 1000 would allow the grid to load and display up to a thousand records at once.
    rte_image_107 (1).png
  4. Save the changes and reload the dashboard.

When the page size is increased, scrolling down within the grid widget will automatically trigger the loading of the next page’s data, allowing you to navigate through the thousands of records seamlessly.

Warning: Increasing the page size may affect the dashboard performance based on your database performance.

Considerations for Performance

When displaying thousands of rows in the grid widget, it’s essential to consider the impact on dashboard performance. Loading a large number of records may cause the dashboard to load slowly or become unresponsive. To mitigate this issue, consider the following:

  • Optimize your database queries to improve performance.
  • Use pagination or virtual scrolling to load data incrementally as the user scrolls.
  • Implement server-side filtering and sorting to reduce the amount of data sent to the client.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your dashboard remains responsive and efficient while displaying thousands of rows in the grid widget.

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Written by Nihal Mohamed Ali
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