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How to Dynamically Change Logo for Each Tenant/Site in Bold BI® Dashboard

Published: Jun 19, 2023

In multi-tenant environments, it’s often necessary to customize the appearance of dashboards for each tenant. One common customization is to change the logo displayed on the dashboard. This article will guide you through the process of dynamically changing the logo for each tenant when publishing a dashboard across multiple tenants using custom attributes in Bold BI®.

Steps to Dynamically Change Logo for Each Tenant

  1. Consider you have data as shown below.


  2. Create custom attributes: For each tenant, create a custom attribute with the same name but different values. These custom attributes will be used to store the logo URL for each tenant. We have created custom attributes in 2 sites as shown below.



  3. Use custom attributes in the code view: In the dashboard designer, switch to the code view and use the custom attribute to set the logo URL. This will ensure that the logo is fetched dynamically based on the tenant’s custom attribute value.


  4. Publish the dashboard: Publish the dashboard across the tenants. The logo will be displayed based on the custom attribute value set for each tenant.
    In site 1, the following image will be shown.


    In site 2, the following image will be shown.

For a visual demonstration of this process, please refer to the following video link: Dynamically Change Logo for Each Tenant in Bold BI Dashboards

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Written by Israel Jebaraj Chandirakumar
Updated Jun 19, 2023
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