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How to check Bold BI application running status?


To check the running status of the Bold BI application, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the application status URL to know whether all services are running: {domain_name}/status


  2. If any of the above shown service is down, use the health check endpoints to know the additional information of the service down reason:{domain_name}/{service_name}/health-check

  3. Refer to the table below for each services health check endpoint.

Service Name Health check URL Comments
Identity Provider Web / IDP Web {domain_name}/health-check This service provides a web interface to manage user accounts and logins.
Identity Provider API / IDP API {domain_name}/api/health-check This service provides a RESTful web API that allows other third-party applications to interact with the application startups, tenants, and users, among other items, can be handled using REST APIs. Refer more details about RESTful web API -
User Management Web / UMS Web {domain_name}/ums/health-check The UMS service provides centralized control of user management, site management, and global settings for all the sites.
Windows Authentication {domain_name}/windowsauthentication/health-check This service securely log in using existing windows credential through windows authentication. Note: The Windows authentication service is only available on Windows environments, not on other environments.
Dashboard Server Web / BI Web {domain_name}/bi/health-check This service provides manage the Dashboard, Datasource, Slideshow, Pinboard, Bold ETL, Schedules, Publish, tenant specific users and tenant specific settings through web interface
Dashboard Server API / BI API {domain_name}/bi/api/health-check The API provides easy access to the functionality of the resources on your site, allowing you to create custom applications or script interactions with your site. Refer more details about Bold BI REST API -
Dashboard Server Jobs / BI Jobs {domain_name}/bi/jobs/health-check This service provides a schedules dashboard with external notifications periodically, automates the refresh of data sources periodically, and imports bulk user data into Bold BI from Azure, Windows, and database users.
Dashboard Designer Service / BI Designer {domain_name}/bi/designer/health-check This service allows users to create data source and to design dashboards
ETL Service {domain_name}/etlservice/health-check This service provides the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of data from a variety of sources into different databases. It is particularly useful for businesses that need to consolidate their data into a central repository for analysis and reporting purposes.
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Written by Raji Rajendran
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