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Using Dashboard Parameters as an Array of Strings in Bold BI


Bold BI does not support creating expressions as arrays of strings directly. However, you can achieve this by using the dashboard parameter feature. This article will guide you through the process of using a dashboard parameter as an array of strings to filter data in a chart.

Steps to Use Dashboard Parameter as an Array of Strings
1. Create a dashboard parameter: In Bold BI, create a dashboard parameter with List mode, String type, and Manual.

2. Use the dashboard parameter in code view: In the data source, use the dashboard parameter in the code view.

3. Save the data source: Save the data source after configuring the dashboard parameter.

4. Configure the chart widget: Configure the chart widget with the data from the data source.

5. Preview the dashboard: Preview the dashboard and apply the filter in the dashboard parameter.

6. Render the widgets: The widgets will be rendered with the applied filters that were created using the dashboard parameter (an array of strings).

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Written by Rajendran Murugan
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